Saturday, December 8, 2012


Just finish publish my TMX 2012 website to local host and it was wonderful~ *touching
We have doing our TMX 2012 website for 4days non-stop.
Me, Janet and Jentin doing our website until midnight together with Victor and his group, and other FEB group.
It seen that only me and Janet are from FSKPM and majority is from FEB.
And we both faculty help each other and finally we done It.!!! YES!!!
Now I really know what is 水火不容!!! And it was just happen in front me!!
My ICS (introduction of Cognitive Science) group leader Burhan and Helina were arguing about the assignment and I was like’’ Wow, and is better I keep my mouth shut @x@”
Actually is Helina’s fault.
Burhan had told us that we need to submit our part to her last week and Helina just submit this week and next week we need to present it.
Not only ICS, CP (cognitive Psychology) assignment also same. Last minute only submit her part. And the worst thing is all her answers are wrong and Helen need to terminate it and used hers.
BTW, theses day, I was in a good mood and its all because of my beloved brother, senior, buddy Cibong Etienne.
Because of Etienne, I know his buddy in UNIMAS and we become closer and even played around even though Etienne was not there.
That day, De Xiang was FB-ing and posted that he had opened his own Skype and I added him.
We chatted and I started my naughty plan.
I asked him to treat me Chatime and he said ok.
Yea~ again I “A” people money to treat me… HEHEXD (don learn this)
Yesterday I return Zeoilen’s hard disc for the Running Man.
Don know why, in the msg, I automatic type” Zeoilen Koko” and he say he like the way I call him Zeoilen Koko… lol~
And that day, I met the guy who asks my phone number. He looked so rush and we din talk much.
Til now, I still confuses the reason he ask my phone number and din send me msg or called me? Hmmm…. Sound fishy~
Although Uni’s life is suffer and full of stupid assignment, I enjoyed myself here with a bunch of new friends like recently I have extra step parent who are Poh Seng and Janet~
Last week I falt sick and my step parents force me to clinic and took my medicine.
Since that, both of them become my step parent….
BTW, final exam is coming and its means my Sem 1 will end soon~ woohoo!!!
Holidays… I means Final exam… here I come!!! Wahahaha….

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